help - lists all available commands at the moment
enablellamas on/off - gives a message that says 'Llamas enabled'
jokeplease - gives a random joke
fullscreen on/off - Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode
resetsim firstname lastname - resets the Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home
fps on/off - toggles framerate indicator in top right corner of screen
quit - exits the game
testingcheatsenabled - enables cheat functionality
kaching - gives $1,000 to active household
motherlode - adds $50,000 to active household
freerealestate - ignores the cost when buying a lot for the current game
shazaam - gives 2,500 lifetime happiness points to active sim
modify traits - allows you to set/clear traits
add to household - adds the active sim to the current household
set age - set the age of the sim
edit in cas - takes the sim back to Create-a-Sim allowing you to make full physical and personality changes
force opportunity - click on career building you work at to force an opportunity
force event - click on a career building you work at to force an event
force all events - click on a career building to display all events for the career consecutively
force service sim - forces a specific service sim to show up
force visitor - forces a neighbor of your choice to show up
make me know everyone - makes the selected sim know every other Sim in town
make friends for me - makes several random friends for the selected sim
set career - give the selected sim a career of your choice
make happy - sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect and removes negative moodlets
make motives static/dynamic - makes motives static/dynamic for the entire household
ข้อมูลจากคุณ Jamizola เว็บ gamespot.com